Seta offers integrated solutions in Government Intelligence and Communication 

We develop services in Institutional and Government Relations, Advocacy, ESG, Institutional Communication, Digital Marketing and Reputation and Crisis Management. 

Government Intelligence and Communication

Changing a regulatory scenario, moving the pieces on the chessboard of politics, changing decrees, ordinances, laws and even the Constitution are legitimate pleadings. For an organization to achieve these objectives in an ethical, republican and transparent manner, combining government intelligence and communication is essential. To overcome obstacles, it is necessary to convey a clear message and, thus, raise awareness among different audiences and decision-making entities. However, before knocking on the door of an authority with a plead in hand, no matter how legitimate and in line with the public interest it may be, the most efficient way is to understand and improve communication processes and study the construction of meaning, understanding whether the message can have different interpretations. Noise creates crisis and is everything that is not wanted in an environment of power.

Institutional dialogue between the Public, the Private and Society.

We believe in positive solutions for both society and the public and private sectors. That is why we promote institutional dialogue between these actors, based on facts and data, transparency, ethics and pragmatism.

Management and Prevention of Political and Regulatory Risks

We develop technical analyses on the trends that dominate the Brazilian political and regulatory agenda, combining the dedication of experienced experts in the national political universe, methodology applied to the legislative process, and an assessment of how actors position themselves in the press and on social media. To this end, we invest in innovation and rely on data technology translated into probabilistic/predictive tools on the chances of legislative initiatives being converted into Law.

Crisis Prevention and Management

We have developed our own methodology for crisis prevention and management, which uses techniques such as mapping and risk, stakeholder classification and monitoring, driven by digital and artificial intelligence tools. Based on a prior diagnosis and analysis of the political scenario, action plans are developed with safe and effective protocols to avoid or minimize the impacts of the crisis and protect the client's reputation. All phases strictly follow the legislation and regulations of the countries where Seta operates, protecting reputations and transforming challenges into opportunities for building institutional dialogue and identifying new opportunities for the client's business.

Spokesperson Training for Communication in Power Environments

Presenting the cause of the company, the institution, or the authorities requires techniques that go beyond those acquired in media training. Being interviewed by the press or digital influencers is different from participating in a public hearing, a ceremony in the Executive Branch, a formal and technical meeting in an authority's office or, which requires very well-honed specific skills, participating in a parliamentary committee of inquiry as a witness or investigated. We offer training for spokespersons on how to prepare for communication in an environment of power, to understand how the rituals of political scenarios and the reception of authorities work.

360° Campaigns

Multi-channel institutional campaigns, targeted at themes that are influenced by the movement of pieces on the political board.

Federal Monitoring

We carry out detailed monitoring within the executive and legislative branches: bills, provisional measures, proposed amendments to the Constitution, draft legislative decrees, other legislative proposals, as well as monitoring votes in plenary sessions and in thematic committees, discussions in public hearings. As well as actions by the federal government, including the development of public policies and the issuing of normative acts, such as decrees and ordinances that directly impact clients' businesses.

Monitoring in Any State and Municipality

Monitoring of topics of interest in states and municipalities is carried out by Monitor Legislativo, a Seta company specialized in identifying and prioritizing proposals. This interactive, fast technological structure, supported by several hands to meet all needs, is constantly being improved and has allowed us to expand the scope of monitoring of the Legislative Houses at the three levels of power. Today, our team monitors all states, more than 400 municipalities and has the capacity to include any city that is of interest to our clients.

Business Intelligence

Data monitoring, including press and social networks, is the basis for the institutional and governmental relations strategy. In a joint effort, Seta and Nexus, our data area, work to generate relevant insights for guidance and decision-making. We have the most modern monitoring tools, including our own metrics to assess the relevance of topics being discussed in the press and on social media. Our actions are always guided by data.

Influence Map and Stakeholder Mapping

Influence Map is a visual model that shows the people who influence and make decisions about a topic. We identify the main political, governmental and civil society actors that are related to a given subject, discussion or interest, understanding expertise, motivations, speeches and talking points. To add to the government intelligence strategy, we classify priority audiences and the political profile of their relationship networks.


Structuring campaigns for active citizenship practices, defense of causes and rights with the aim of engaging stakeholders and influencing the creation of effective public policies that bring benefits to the topics debated.

Research and intelligence

Research and monitoring of topics under discussion, discussion and approval trends, stakeholder opinions. Nexus is our partner in this endeavor and brings a methodological structure to add to the government intelligence strategy and the defense of the client's interests.

Environment, Society, Governance (ESG)

Development of institutional and governmental relations projects on agendas related to socio-environmental and corporate governance issues. In partnership with Beon, a company in the FSB Holding ecosystem, we produce analyses on our clients' practices, risks, opportunities and impacts, as well as assessments of the socio-political scenario that support the formatting of narratives and action plans for engagement with different actors.

Structuring of Institutional and Governmental Relations (RIG) areas

We develop a customized solution for professionally structuring RIG teams in corporations, observing methods, routine management, metrics, KPIs, how to prepare story telling (narratives), talking points, one pagers (infographics, papers, etc.), leave behinds (what to leave behind).

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